Human beings weren’t just made to survive; we were made to thrive. We’ve been thriving since the earliest days of our species some 200,000 years ago. With the beautiful invention of language, we’ve been able to expand our knowledge, enhance our technology and vastly improve our quality of life.
The only thing that makes us different from animals is language. Language was made to help humans connect and socialize for their mental and social well being.
Rapid growth with advancement in technology as well globalized era has brought all societies on a common platform for all of its growth but
It has turned up to be a nightmare for many people where sharing success story has turned up to be drastic social events and failures are not even treated as a part of society .finally forcing them in depression and they eventually take some measures which ends their stories .
Current trends and media reports say’s “India has one of the world’s highest suicide rates for youth aged 15 to 29, according to a 2012 Lancet report,
Every hour, one student commits suicide in India, according to 2015 data (the latest available) from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB).
In 2015, the number of student suicides stood at 8,934. In the five years leading to 2015, 39,775 students killed themselves. The number of attempted suicides, many unreported, is likely to be much higher.
A common cause for concern is the pressure from parents to do well in the national board examinations, especially for Class XII, before finishing school. As scores in these exams often determine college admissions and subsequent employment opportunities, students aged 16-18 are often subjected to undue pressure at home to succeed. When they don't, suicide becomes a way out. In 2013 alone, 2,471 suicides were attributed to "failure in examination".
This takes me to school days when my best friend, my seniors and my teachers helped me take failures and I came strongly after it .failure is just a moment a pain which is demand to be felt. During school days, our class topper used to be chinmay, he is still known to be known for he’s simplicity and no fuck attitude to anything. His one advice changed my complete view of how I treated Indian education system .I was never a topper and would always be among top 5 during school days this would piss me off that I am trying it so hard still why am I not making it to top position ,how the hell is chinmay taking the positions. In class 9, we were introduced to a new system of boards, where I severely failed to stand in top 5 and went to 8 position. I was failure in my eyes. Maths spoilt my results back then. I went to him and said,”bro, my results are damn shit .I am gone what will others say, direct demotion from top 3 to 8th position.
All he said was,”bro, marks are for all those people whom who don’t care at all and are way much anxious for our results, for us we know our potential and capabilities very well.
Hindi translation: marks dusre ko dikhane ke liye hota hai,apna aukad sabko aache se pata hai .
These lines changed my view and after that results didn’t really mattered for us a lot though the bitch crying always existed but the hyper tension of non-existence due to bad grades phobia went away from my mind.
The best story of failure could be of our cricket team of central public school of our batch .we were a team who would participate every cricket tournament and were knocked in the first round .we barely won a tournament and qualified for semi- finals for a period of 2 years but this didn’t stop us from practicing hard and fighting .we fought every team with our team and finally we won many tournaments and achievements kept coming .It was cricket coach Gokul sir who would taught us fight failures. After every match he would brief out match in the assembly even though we lost very badly, every individual contribution would be appreciated in the crowd that made us strong and accept failures.
The next story comes from a very unknown stranger ,in class 7,we made to state quiz of “IT TALENT SEARCH EXAMINATION “ .we couldn’t even pass on prelims .our team was totally hopeless and were all sad faces from somewhere came a gentleman who told us a story of a man who lost every election he contested and finally made it the president of united states of America .it was Abraham Lincoln .we were stunned with story still my mate Sameer quotes the story when we meet .He also quoted a famous quote ,” “If you live long enough, you’ll make mistakes. But if you learn from them, you’ll be a better person. It’s how you handle adversity, not how it affects you. The main thing is never quit, never quit, never quit.” – A quote by Bill Clinton.
After that we made to many quizzes though we didn’t win any of them .still we kept trying our hearts. It is still in my bucklist to win a quiz which I’ll keep trying to the end.
Today, if you’ve suffered through failures in the past, or you’re going through the torrent of a failure right now, know this — failure will make you better. Failure will improve your life. It will allow you to reach new understandings and epiphanies on life, love, business and the people all around you.
Failure will make you better person.
In fact, the most successful and famous people in the world have endured the most failures in life. They’ve failed repeatedly. But they’ve also gotten back up. They didn’t throw in that proverbial towel. They didn’t call it quits or head for the ropes. They got up and kept going. And that’s just what it takes to succeed.
Some of the best examples from our textbooks and our society
One of India’s best captain Mansoor Ali Khan pataudi permanently damaged one of his eyes in a road accident. This led to him seeing doubled image. Though he could no longer see clearly, pataudi did not give up. He feared his cricket career was over but he returned to the field to play with just one eye. He is today regarded as one of the greatest captains India has ever had!
How many could have done it but he did it
Basketball legend Michael Jordan is credited with once saying that, “I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”
Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed 10,000 times. I have not failed once. I have succeeded in proving that those 10,000 ways will not work. When I have eliminated the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work.”
Edison had a huge impact on society, holding 1,093 patents to his name at the time of his death.
How does once considered a failure turned to be patent holder of thousands of amazing innovations .it’s will to fight that makes them exceptional from all.
At the age of 18, Gautam Adani had to drop out of Gujarat University while in his second year of B.Com course and begin working as a Diamond sorter in Mumbai due to financial conditions. However, the young Adani was not scummed by his early adversities and he quickly established a diamond trading business, and made his first million by the age of 20. Adani continued on and in a short period of time, has managed to create one of India’s well know business houses, a $8 billion professionally managed empire.
You get the idea? Never give up on your hopes and your dreams. Never allow someone else to tell you that you’re not good enough, smart enough or talented enough to achieve greatness in whatever capacity you’re seeking. You can do anything you put your mind to. Anything.
The reasons causing India lost best of its brightest minds comes from their families,
“The popular perception is that failing exams or inability to cope with academics is the primary reason for student suicides,” Saldanha (An expert on this issue) told IndiaSpend in an email interview. “This is rooted in a sense of helplessness or extreme frustration.”
. Unable to cope with failure and anxious about letting their family down, a growing number of Kota students opt to end their lives.
“These deaths result from poor relationships with parents, excessive expectations, the feeling of being unwanted, poor understanding of their peer/romantic relationships. These result in an impulsive decision or a long thought-out deliberate suicide.

The government also fails to provide infrastructure and facilities to deal mental health
. Currently, India spends 0.06% of its health budget on mental health, which is less than Bangladesh (0.44%). Most developed nations spend above 4% of their budgets on mental-health research, infrastructure, frameworks and talent pool, according to a 2011 World Health Organisation (WHO) report.
India, as we said, faces an 87% shortage of mental-health professionals. There are 3,800 psychiatrists, 898 clinical psychologists, 850 psychiatric social workers and 1,500 psychiatric nurses nationwide, according to a reply by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in the Lok Sabha in December 2015.
This means there were three psychiatrists per million people, according to data from WHO, 95% fewer than the Commonwealth norm of 5.6 psychiatrists per 100,000 people. By this estimate, India is short of 66,200 psychiatrists..
We need a strong family support to deal this urgency of crisis and government must provide strong infrastructure on mental health to deal this crises.
Concluding with the evolution concept of nature of human being’s
Throughout history, there have been thousands of famous failures. Even before recorded history, people were battling with the push-and-pull created by this burning desire to succeed. This stems beyond mere survival. Survival is built into our DNA — it’s part of the very fabric that makes us into who we are.